During the current economic uncertainty everyone is feeling the strain. With property forming the most costly and stress inducing commitment that any of us are likely to make we are all seeking some degree of comfort and reassurance that our investment for the present and future is safe.
I have a wealth of personal and professional experience to draw upon which I apply to turn a not insignificant living in advising private Client's, corporate bodies and fellow professionals on a wide range of property issues from repair, maintenance, extension, investment, development, new build and legal issues for a plethora of residential, commercial and industrial premises.
The majority of this property owning market is not formed by knowledgeable corporate bodies who are switched on to the need for ongoing maintainance of their premises and in securing the best returns from it, but comprise a generally ill-advised 'John Q tax payer', who is either unwilling, unable or unaware of the need to seek out the necessary professional advice before taking action. In fact I have to admit that the majority of corporate bodies are similarly in the dark, except where they have been burnt and have found out the hard and expensive way.
Fellow professionals generally operate, I'm afraid, under the premis of 'if your not paying, I'm not giving' and the general levels of property expertise and knowledge only tend to benefit the wealthy or previously experienced client-base.
Yes there are a selection of self building and property guidance publications, but I am constantly surprised by the very tailored and sometimes misleading view of property owning, investment and construction that they afford. I have found examples which suggest a very rosy and cost effective proposal, only to find under close scrutiny that they omit certain key and costly aspects affording the schemes a very distorted and misleading appearance. I similarly have had client's who have followed these suggested paths only to find a series of hidden costs and problems that blow the economic viability of a half completed project out of the water, by which time its too late.
Repair it yourself guidance can be gleaned from libraries or book publishers hell bent on securing an income from this poorly guided mass market, but they tend to fall predominantly into three categories, 1) technical manuals you need a Phd to read let alone understand, 2) the condesending and dictatorial manual that insults not only your but your kids intelligence and 3) the ones with just dont go far enough to give a full understanding.
I am constantly baffled by the general lack of sensible and relevant advise and guideance being offered to what is a market in need, to help individuals stop running into nightmare situations which are typically so easily avoided.
The intention is to provide here some real, relevant and honest advice to all involved in the ownership and acquisition of property.
Why would anyone ever suggest giving away this stream of repeat business without turning a profit from it? Economically - Because the market is bigger than I could ever deal with and quite frankly there are more lucrative fields to harvest and Personally - I'm fed up with the little guy being badgered, mislead and cheated out of his money by a closed shop which only leaks information it will reap a much greater reward from later. OK a little conscience and martydom crept in their........ if you dont agree.....bite me.
This may take some time but I urge you to stay tuned, if only out of interest and I really do hope this helps.
The Editor
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2 days ago
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